Improve Performance & Perception

Involving key stakeholders in your leadership development allows you to change behaviors and perception simultaneously. The end result is measurable growth in your leadership effectiveness that gets recognized

Meta has coached hundreds of executives and their teams, using a highly customized approach that often leverages the Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching® process, a program proven to empower successful people to become stronger leaders and be recognized for that growth by the people who really matter ― bosses, business partners, colleagues and the people who work for you.

The Stakeholder Centered Coaching® process is based upon three key principles:

  1. Place attention and focus on the stakeholders of the person being coached

  2. Emphasize “feedforward”

  3. Change behavior and perception in parallel

Ready to empower and expand your leadership?
Contact us today at or 408.398.6109

Key Benefits:

  • Achieve positive, lasting change in behavior for yourself, your people and your teams

  • Increase impact and visibility at the highest levels of your organization

  • Improve leadership and delegation skills and gain appropriate respect from superiors,
    colleagues and direct reports

  • Lead by example to create a culture of continuous improvement

Successful people become stronger leaders by working with us:

Ready to empower and expand your leadership?
Contact us today at or 408.398.6109